Differences in Sexual Behaviors One of Relationship Programs Users, Previous Pages and Non-pages
Descriptive statistics associated with sexual practices of the total shot and you may the 3 subsamples out of energetic profiles, previous pages, and you may non-users
Becoming solitary decreases the number of exposed full sexual intercourses
In regard to the number of partners with whom participants had protected full sex during the last year, the ANOVA revealed a significant difference between user groups (F(dos, 1144) = , P 2 = , Cramer’s V = 0.15, P Figure 1 represents the theoretical model and the estimate coefficients. The model fit indices are the following: ? 2 = , df = 11, P 27 the fit indices of our model are not very satisfactory; however, the estimate coefficients of the model resulted statistically significant for several variables, highlighting interesting results and in line with the reference literature. In Table 4 , estimated regression weights are reported. The SEM output showed that being active or former user, compared to being non-user, has a positive statistically significant effect on the number of unprotected full sexual intercourses in the last 12 months. The same is for the age. All the other independent variables do not have a statistically significant impact. Continue Reading